Articles on: Loyalty on the Storefront

Loyalty Page: Ways to Redeem


Recommended placement: Add it as the fourth block to your loyalty page template.

The "Love: Ways to Redeem" app block shows the ways your customers can redeem points which you've set up in the app admin. The title of the cards are the "Reward titles" set up in the admin and below is shown the number of points the customer needs to spend for the reward.

If the customer is logged in they can redeem rewards by clicking on the card of the reward they want to redeem.

Logged out customers will see a Join program pop-up if they click these cards.

The ways to redeem cards show up in the order you've set up on the "Loyalty program" page in the app, you can change the order of them by dragging them.

The app block can be added to any Page template and to the Home page, just click the "Add section" button on the left in the theme editor and select "Love: Ways to Redeem" app block from the "Apps" tab:

Styling options

You can edit the style of the Ways to Redeem block by clicking the name of it in the theme editor:

Available customizations:

Background Color: Background color for the section
Title Color: Color of the title text
Subtitle Color: Color of the subtitle text
Card Background Color: Background color of the ways to redeem cards
Card Border Color: Border color of the ways to redeem cards
Card Border Radius: Border radius of the ways to redeem cards
Rule Name Color: Color of the reward title
Points Text Color: Color of points texts

Additional styling customizations can be done with custom CSS on the Customize Storefront > General Style page in the app.
Contact us via Live Chat and we're happy to make any custom styling changes for you free of charge.

Changing the texts

Title, Subtitle and Join pop-up texts: Can be changed in the "Customize storefront > Dedicated Loyalty Page" page in the app.
Reward titles: Can be changed by editing the reward title of the redeem rule on the "Loyalty program" page in the app.

Updated on: 08/01/2025

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