Product Page: Show potential points earned
To increase conversion rates on product pages you can show customers the number of loyalty points they'll earn if they purchase the given product.
The loyalty points earned are calculated based on the price of the selected product variant and the place an order earning rule you've set up.
Unlike other loyalty apps, Love Loyalty correctly calculates the points for multiple currencies as well.
How to set up
To show the potential number of points earned on the product page you need to add the "Earn Points Product Page" app block to the default product page in the theme editor:
Open the theme editor
On the top middle navigate to the Default product page
On the left click the "Add block" button and select the "Earn Points Product Page" block from the "Apps" tab
Save the changes
If you have multiple product page templates you'll need to add the app block to each template where you want to show the potential number of points earned for the products.
Change texts
You can change the texts of the product page block in the app admin on the "Customize storefront > Product page: Earning points" page.
Learn how to change the styling of the cart block: Change the stlye of your loyalty program
Updated on: 08/01/2025
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