How to manually add points to customers?
Add points manually to a single customer In the Shopify admin go to "Customers" On the Customers page search for the customer you want to add points to Click the name of the customer and then adjust their available point balance in the "Loyalty program points" metafield SavePopularWhere can I see the point balance of a customer?
See the point balance for a single customers In the Shopify admin go to "Customers" On the Customers page search for the customer Click the name of the customer, their point balance is visible in the "Loyalty Program Points" metafield See the point balance of all the customSome readersHow to translate the texts?
All the texts can be localized to a language on the "Customize storefront" page in the app. Just navigate to this page and click "Customize" on the card of the app block where you want to translate the texts.Few readersCan customers earn points without an account?
Yes, by default customers will earn points after orders even if they don't have an account. However, to redeem their points for rewards they will need to create an account.Few readersCan you help us move from LoyaltyLion, Joy, Bon, Smile or Yotpo?
Yes, we'll personally help you move from any other loyalty app, just reach out via Live Chat. We can import the loyalty data from your pervious app and set up Love Loyalty within 24hrs.Few readersWhen do customers receive points after an order?
By default customers receive the points when the order is fully paid. You can set to reward the points when the order is fulfilled the following way: Go to the Loyalty program page in the app In the "Ways to earn" section click the row of the Place an order earning rule In the "Points earned" section check in the "Reward points when the order is fulfilled" option Save the changesFew readersApp is not visible in cart
1. Make sure the Love Loyalty app embed is enabled Point redemption in cart is shown by the Love Loyalty app embed. You can turn on the app embed the following way: Open the theme editor On the top left click the "App embed" icon Enable the "Love Loyalty" app embed 2. Specify point redemption placement in the cart When you turn on the app embed we automatically try to recognizeFew readers